Parinti De Ciresari
Parinti de Ciresari is a NGO that supports communities of parents and tutors, and aims to bring about social change by promoting modern educational values, cultural and recreational activities, while instilling a strong feeling of belonging and safety.
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I had the pleasure of creating the brand identity from ground-up: the logo design, an entire array of printed materials - from badges to flyers and large posters for community events and festivals, plus the entire social media visual identity.

The Concept:  One of the landmarks that lies in the center of this community is the Ciresarii Park, hence the name of the NGO. "Parinti de Ciresari" could be roughly translated as "Parents of Cherry Kids". As the brand should mainly cater to kids of all ages plus their parents, the logo had to be bright, colorful and joyful, yet modern and minimalistic at the same time. The logo mark consists of 2 cherries united by a pit (heart) in the middle, symbolizing the 2 parents, a child and their shared love.







A large, A0-sized poster designed for one of the community festivals:

I always love to see my work come to life :)

Adults and kids alike, are proudly wearing their branded pins.